Monday, June 30, 2014

Barney Fife -Andy Griffith Show Quotes

Barney Fife - Zen Master Quotes

Fife, Barney Fife--Bachelor, Deputy, and Zen Master????

I have heard people describe Officer Barney Fife as a neurotic, a nervous Nellie, a jitterbug even!   But those who have judge Officer Fife in this manner simply have not truly listened to the deep words of wisdom and calmness that come out of his mouth.   For if you dissect Fife’s quotes, you will see that he is a true Zen Master!

*Zen is doing one thing at a time.  All your energy is focused on the current task only!  Master Barney realizes this as is evident in the following quote:

“If you ride with your mouth open in the wind and put your tongue against the roof of your mouth, its impossible to pronounce a word that begins with the letter 's'“

*A Zen Master remains peaceful at all times.  They do not believe in anxiety.  If stress starts to come upon them, they just……

Barney Fife quote from Andy Griffith Show
Nip it. Nip it in the bud. - Barney Fife

*Zen Masters are one with Nature.  You are the sun, the trees, the bird soaring to be free of jinxes:  

“Fly away buzzard, fly away crow, way down south where the winds don’t blow. Rub your nose and give two winks and save us from this awful jinx.”  Zen Master Barney Fife 

*A Zen Master will fully concentrate on every day task or routine - no matter what that might be:

“ Oh, I don't know... I could go up to the pickle factory. They always need a brine tester.”

*A Zen Master knows to just go with the flow of the Universe.  Even if the Universe happens to have a whim:

Zen Master Fife: [Barney trying to keep Andy from going home to dress for dinner]
Well, it's a whim. Are you going to question a whim? You question a whim and you take the fun right out of it! 

Sheriff Andy Taylor Quote: Well, would it kill the whim if I just take a shower and put on some clean socks and underwear? 

Deputy ZM Fife: Sure it will! It's not a whim anymore if you put on clean underwear! 

Sheriff Andy Taylor: I don't understand it. But I guess a fellow shouldn't question when he's getting a free supper.

Zen Master Barney: That's right! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Can you let me have $5?   (For a new meditation mat, we assume...)

Is Barney Fife a zen master?
Only concentrate on one thing at a time--The Way Of The Zen

*In the  practice of Zen one reduces, shortens, condenses everything. Stick to the basic truths and rules: 

“Now here at "The Rock" we have two basic rules. Memorize them so that you can say them in your sleep. The first rule is... Obey all rules. Secondly, do not write on the walls, as it takes a lot of work to erase writing off of walls.” -Zen Master Barn

*Zen Masters do not concern themselves with material possessions, the latest trends or fashion.  He does not have a closet full of clothes.  What he has, he has! Just the basics:

“What`s the matter, haven`t you ever seen a man take off a dress before?”- ZM Fife 

*A Zen Master is cognizant that anxiety is like a prison and…..

“Boys, when that steel door slams shut, that`s the end of the happy days. No more fishin`, no more ball playin`, no more peanut butter sandwiches.” -Deputy Master Barney Fife Quote

*The Art of Zen is about being grounded as well as being in tuned with the laws of nature:  As is unmistakably clear in one of our favorite Zen Master’s quotes:  

“A dog can't get struck by lightning. You know why? Because he's, he's too close to the ground.  See, lightning strikes tall things. Now, now if they was giraffes out there in that field, well then we'd be in trouble.”

*Zen Masters have great characters: are humble and rarely troubled or thin-skinned.  

 If there’s anything that upsets me, it’s having people say I’m sensitive. -Master Barn

Ultimate proof that Officer, Deputy Barney Fife is a Zen Master

Zen quote from Barney Fife
Zen Master Barney knows that we cannot know

If you love our unique blogs, please consider a visit to our website which sponsors this blog.  You will find Inspirational Quotes and Poems, Affirmations, Zen Quotes and More!  Just copy, paste and visit!
Your visit is appreciated!

Or to go directly to our Zen Quotes Page:

May you be as relaxed and enlightened as our friend, Deputy Barney Fife, Zen Master!!!
-Poem Finder

#BarneyFife #Quotes #AndyGriffithShow #Zen #ZenQuotes

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Groovy July Celebration Days 

Celebrate July 4th and The First Week of July

Happy July!  Let's find the joy in every day!!! To help out, this blog will get you started with  Real Holidays for each day of the first week of July!  

July 1st--Canada Day. Considered also to be Canada's Birthday!
            --Also July 1st is International Joke Day--  I think I only made up one joke my entire life and that was in third grade.  Here it goes:  How do you know cats are smarter than dogs? You never heard of corn-cats before, have you!

July 2nd--World UFO Day.  This day is set aside to try to get the government to recognize that there are aliens. July 2nd correlates with the sightings (???) at Roswell.

July 3rd--Disobedience Day.  There are two schools of thought for this day.   Set aside July 3rd to be as disobedient as you can.  Or, contemplate what needs to be changed and peacefully protest.

July 4th--Independence Day for the US and Sidewalk Egg Frying Day!!!!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy Sidewalk Egg Frying Day!!!


July 5th: Work-a-holics Day

July 6th National Fried Chicken Day!!  Eat Fried Chicken.
Fun fact: The most eggs laid by a chicken in one day is seven.

July 7th:
Chocolate Day!!!!

Eat chocolate.

Fun Fact:
76% of Americans say
the ears of the chocolate bunnies
should be eaten first!

Hold on, Hold on,  July 5th Work-a-holics day????  Weren't we suppose to be finding the joy of each day??? But that's the only Holiday I could find for that day.
Soooooo Let's Have A..... 

First Annual - Unofficial - Have A Groovy Day, Day - July 5th:

How to celebrate the First Annual-Unofficial Have A Groovy Day, Day?
Anyway you wish, as long as you do it with some groove and class.  

Some Suggestions:

*Dance - preferably 'The Hustle', in public, for no reason. You may be responsible for the very first 'The Hustle' Flash-mob!

*Give at least three friends and one stranger the two thumbs up signs.

*Perform a random act of kindness-How groovy is that!!!! Far-out!!!!

*Lead the neighborhood kids in song: "If you are groovy and you know it clap your hands" 2nd verse-stomp your feet. 3rd-nod your head, and 4th verse-do all three!

*Visit our Groovy website --> 
                                                        Copy, Paste & Visit
                                                    Your visit is appreciated!!

Let's go out there a make the week joyous: Have a piece of cake for Canada!  Make someone roll their eyes at your corny joke.  Write a letter to your Congress person on Alf's or E.T's behalf.  Be a rebel with a cause!  Cook eggs in the morning for your neighbors on the sidewalk and fire up a sparkler in the evening to light their way home.  Do the Hustle.  Eat fried chicken (it's a bad week for chickens). Leave some room in your tummy for chocolate and room in your heart for the unimaginable.  And most importantly, don't wait to July 5th to ....

If you like our quirky blogs, please consider visiting our website which sponsors this blog.  You will find famous quotes, inspirational poems, motivational affirmations and more!

Check our our Positive Attitude Quotes Page!  <--Link. Thanks you!

Have a groovy day!
-Poems & Quotes Finder

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Writing-Hitting The Wall 

Writer’s Block 

1st--Preventive Medicine! 

*Do not post a blog everyday.  I made that mistake early.  You can write everyday, if that is your method.  But do not set this back breaking, pressure cooker task of always having a fresh blog out there.  I post a blog two or three times a week. 

*Find guest bloggers!  Whether it be a talented friend who has never blogged or a fellow blogger you meet in FB land, this can be a great back up system for you.  

*When you are in the creative mood, stop everything and write!  

2nd--Take lots of pictures.  

SNAP a picture: Any time you make a special recipe, do a craft project, see art in a broken glass in the rain,  a flying butterfly, have a party, or do anything unusual with the family like when you mix football and basketball at a reunion or make a paper airplane and have a contest to see who can fly it the longest.  If it’s a bit unusual, rare, a thing of beauty, artsy, etc, snap a picture!  You will find future blogs in these photos!

3rd--Gather old projects from the closet, attic or junk room!  

I used a poem I wrote in grade school in a blog and a song I wrote over 10 years ago!  It’s old to you, but new to us.  Although the project may be completed, it will be an exercise in mental activity and fun to tie it in with your blog’s general theme.  Not that all posts need to follow your blog’s general theme.  It’s nice to give the reader a little variety!

4th--Have a master list of things to add to a blog 

*All you need is a simple idea and then consult your master list to find enough to fill in and have a fun blog:  Add game.  Add puzzle (word search and others).  Add a skit or song.  Write a poem.  Add a recipe.  Have a word list (Shakespeare’s titles, famous TV shows, cereal brands) and make a story out of the word list.  Add a mysterious picture.  Add a Top Ten List.  Add a quiz.  Add fun facts.  Add inspirational quotes.  Use the word groovy.

**Example** If you had a food blog:  

*Add a game--Have your party guests play charades with the ingredients in your dinner recipe.  Explain the rules, play it at home and take pictures and add to your blog!

*Add puzzle--Have a healthy brain power recipe, perhaps something with fish in it.  Make a scramble (or jumble) puzzle from the list of ingredients needed for the recipe as an extra brain power boost for the reader!

*Add a song:  Change the words of “I've been working on the Railroad” to "I've been squeezing fresh orange juice”

*Write a poem: 
Ode To A Root Beer Float
Oh come to me Root Beer Float
Full of cream and fizz
Oh come to me Root Beer Float
Before I wake the kids

*Mysterious photo:  Butterfly.  
Blog subjects could be:
The Metamorphosis of Monday’s Mundane Meatloaf to …
“Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee Cream Cheese and Cayenne Pepper Dip Recipe"

*Add Top 10 List
Top 10 reasons to top it (anything) with Sour Cream!  10.  It’s the whip cream of casseroles.  9. It’s before Labor Day, so it’s fashionable!  8. It’s…..

*Add a quiz: 
If you are making cookies with M&M’s in them: Quiz??? What is your favorite color of M&M’s?  Make a list up of what each color of the M&M represents.  If your favorite color of M&M is blue, then you are a person who….

*Add fun facts:
Peanut Butter--The Fun Facts--
Peanut Butter can be used to take the gum out of your hair!  What nut first figure that out?  

*Add Inspirational Quotes -- For example - Quotes for a Making Egg Salad Blog --

A true friend is someone who
thinks that you are a good egg
even though he knows that
you are slightly cracked. - Bernard Meltzer

What is my loftiest ambition? I've always wanted to
throw an egg at an electric fan. - Oliver Herford

5.  Try writing something little every day, whether it’s for a current blog or not.  When you try something you haven’t done for a while, like throw or catch a ball, shoot pool, shoot a basket, at first you are bad, but the mind starts remembering the coordination needed. Then in little time, you are exponentially better. You can do it without thinking about it.  The same with writing.  The brain starts remembering the rhythm of your writing, vocabulary of past and new words you Thesaurus in.  In little time, you are a genius!

6.   When in the midst of Writer's Block: Put your blog you are stuck on somewhat out of your head.  I get 90% of my ideas in the shower.  Also, making posters for a blog jump starts the creative process. I am just thinking about the beauty and not the words themselves.  Also, sometimes I have ideas I want in, but can’t figure out the writing, it’s easier for me to put it in a poster with picture and fewer words.   I can cross that idea off the list as it’s in the blog now!  

7  The easiest thing to do is to write what you know about, and are passionate about.  

In Conclusion: 

Writer's Block--Writing A Blog Out of Nothing at All
Use your photos, past projects, your master list, your little, fun pieces you practice writing with, your friends (guest blog), fun motivational quotes, dust off an old poem or a family recipe, and recycle from old blogs! 

Find great inspirational quotes to add to your blog at our website:
Inspirational Quotes  <-Link.  One of many great pages you'll find on our site.

Well my groovy ones, I hope this helps you out!

-Poems & Quotes Finder
Thank you for your visit!

Blog Hop!

A big thank you Paula - Buenos Aires from Happysnappy, A Storyteller with A Camera for starting me on my first blog hop way!  Her blog is a must visit!

1. What am I working on?

I have a great idea (I think) for a homemade,  I Love Lucy Game!  I have been hee-hawing on buying the Snickers candy and other few supplies needed for the game, as I am currently kinda tapped for funds and dieting.  While trying to talk myself into dipping in my savings (that’s a tough sale), I thought of some other half-formed Lucy game ideas, so I am thinking about making it a three part blog series, with the one game using Snickers (the best idea) last.  Gives me time to scour for coupons.  

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

My main work is with quotes and poetry.  I also have always made up games to play with my friends.  I love a good party!  So I like to intermingle both if I can.  I write on subjects I know about and am passionate about.  You can always find a good quote or two to add to  any blog subject, that way you can experiment and kinda stay in bounds with your niche.

3. Why do I write/create what I do?

That’s easy! That little buzz, euphoria, high, happy feeling you get when you wrote something well.   Most of us are using our blog to help our family financially.  So it’s like we are forced to be creative or produce, which is a good thing.  I have all kinds of creative projects I never get around to (free-box art, Mother Teresa cross-stitch). I must write my blog. I must stretch my mind.  It’s great for the brain and you get a great high when you hit the sweet spot of writing.

4. How does your writing/creating process work?

*If I need an idea, take a shower.

*How to implement the idea?--Walk with my sister - steal her best ideas. Oops I meant brainstorm with her.

*Writer‘s Block - start making posters for the blog!  You are not worried about the wording, just the beauty.  And  more thoughts flow.

*Hand write and rewrite with no distractions in a well lit room.

*Consult your master list: add recipe, add game, add puzzle, add skit, use the word groovy, etc

*Type up and use the Thesaurus in Word document

*Combine posters and writing in blogger and go get it proofread.

****In alphabetical order as they are all so groovy, here are three of my favorite blogs****

Danielle takes us though her journey as she loses weight.   Sometimes humorous, always informative, you get a full dose of motivation to get up and move!   I like that she keeps what works for her and tries new ideas to stay on goal.  So you can learn from her success and her mistakes!   Journaling your exercise is a great way to stay on track.  Fitness Fashionista is one smart cookie. Oops, better go back for a quick visit!   tag line is: Life, Parenting, & Everything In Between.  This is true, but I think the tag line should be finding the funny!  Whether it’s being stiffed for babysitting fees or a movie review, Holli Ann recounts with such smart fun humor that I smile every time the picture of her and her family starts downloading on my computer.  It’s a riot, itself.

Sample: “Overall, on the It’s An Ordinary Blog movie review scale from one to ten where one is the worst, five is the best, and ten is the worst again I give “A Million Ways To Die In The West” a 8.95945021 with an emoticon based sub-ranking of “That was equivalent to dealing yourself first in a game of poker which, I’m pretty sure, gets you shot in the old West.”  Also takes you on his personal journey through life.  Including his struggles since his wife died.  Michael is honest, compassionate, grateful and extremely smart.  You will get his story, warts and all.  He writes raw and unfiltered, as if he is compelled to get everything to pen, out in the open.  He seems fearless in his writing, so you see his full heart.  He shares with us his letter to his wife on what would have been their 10th anniversary.  I have never read such an amazing letter.  I really can not do this blog justice.  In my opinion, this blog is a beautiful masterpiece. 

Highest recommendations all four blogs! They are:

Thanks for visiting my Blog Hop! It was a lot of fun!!!!

May all your nights be filled with Chicken Dinners
-Poems  & Quotes Finder

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hostess Twinkies Comeback Anniversary! 

July 15th Hostess Twinkies Comeback Song Parody and Quote

On July 15, 2013 the greatest comeback ever was upon us!  Yes, the Hostess Twinkies made it’s long awaited, much anticipated comeback!  Do you remember what you were doing on the day the Twinkie was reborn?????

I do, I was inhaling Twinkies wishing they were already frozen - my favorite way of eating a Twinkie.  Did I get a frozen one after my long, difficult starvation diet of no Twinkies? Heck no!  

 Sugar Induced -- Sugar Buzz Quote:
Veni, Vidi, Vici

What happened  during my Twinkies feast?  Well I got my sugar buzz on and start singing!  Note to all writers out there:  Have writer’s block~~~Cure~~~Sugar buzz!!!!!!!!  Twinkies to the rescue!  If you are a professional writer, keep your Twinkies purchase receipts, consult your tax professional, as Twinkies may be a write-off!

Hostess Twinkie Comeback Sugar Buzz Song Parody

To the tune of:  I Believe In Miracles (You Sexy Thing) by Hot Chocolate: 

I believe in miracles
Since you came back on the shelf
You creamy cake goodness
Creamy cake goodness

I believe in miracles
Since you came back on the shelf
You creamy cake goodness
Creamy cake goodness
Miracles right before my eyes 
Your Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling 
got me hypnotized

Don't stop what ya' doing
What ya' doing to me
My Tab cola lying next me 
Washing down the sweetness you bring to me
Been a long time coming only just begun
Doing all the things that makes my heart sing
Keep doing what you're doing, you creamy filled thing

How did ya' know I needed you so badly
How did ya' know I gave my money gladly
Yesterday I was one of a lonely people
Now I gave $5 for a box
I’m hooked & looking for things to hock 

I believe in miracles
Since you came back on the shelf
You creamy cake goodness
Creamy cake goodness

Only yesterday I was on my own
Just another day later my mind was blown
With sugar hallucinations & delusions
With sugar hallucinations & delusions 

The crinkling of the wrapper makes me scream
I know I'm close to having cakey goodness with cream
You’re doing all the things that makes my heart sing
Keep doing what you're doing you creamy filled thing

How did ya' know I needed you so badly
How did ya' know I gave my money gladly

Yesterday I was hoping to put some in the freezer
Now you’re lying next to me
I only have less than three

But, I believe in miracles
Since you came back on the shelf
You creamy cake goodness
Creamy cake goodness

Please note: I did not get any compensation from Hostess for this blog.  I begged them for free coupons, but they ignored my emails.  If they could not get back with me to tell me they love my song and quote or give me a coupon because they are too busy making future Twinkies, then we are still ALL good!

Twinkies Eating Terminology: 

Do you EAT Twinkies or do you?

Attack                Absorb               Bite                    Chew      
Chow Down       Cram                  Devour               Digest          
Dine                  Dispose of          Feast                  Feed            
Gobble Up         Gorge                Graze                  Ingest      
Inhale                Lunch                 Masticate            Munch 
Nibble                Nosh                  Pick At                Scarf
Snack                Sup                   Swallow Whole     Wolf

Thank you Weird Al Yankovic for all the inspiration over the years!

Well I am off, as I bought a new box of Twinkies so I can have photos!  Shucks!
The freezer calls!

Afterwards, I am going to visit our Exercise for those who hate the gym page <-Link.
Join me won't you!

May your day be filled with sweetness,
-Poems  & Quotes Finder


#Twinkies #Twinky #SongParody #WeirdAl #WeirdALYankovic #Spoof

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bad Karma, Good Karma, Or Another Solution

Bad Karma To You!

Karma refers to a work or deed.  In addition, it also takes in account the intent of the person who performed this action or deed.  If the intent was good, then future happiness by means of good Karma will follow.  If the intent was bad, then misery or bad Karma will follow the individual.  

It seems more and more I either hear or see Facebook posts how bad Karma should fall on one’s head for the apparent bad thing another has suffered.  Cut someone off in traffic, cut my hair too short, not pay back a loan, a bad text, didn't bake the cookies you promised me. I think I watch too many court TV shows.

Karma is suppose to be our equalizer or champion.  You belittled me, cut me off in traffic, wronged me, cheated me…. Karma is going to get you!!!! Bad Karma!!!!

Karma is not my champion!   May I strive for love and peace be my champion one day. 

Isn't wishing someone bad Karma, bad Karma?  

bad karma picture

A good book that I know says (and I paraphrase):  Love all.  Even criminals and evildoers can manage to love their friends or close acquaintances.  Big deal!  It is one who is righteous that can find love in their heart to love all.   

So someone has done you wrong, is that basis to wish harm to them?  Have you never either on purpose or by accident hurt or offended another?  Do you wish the person you harmed or even me (as if you are allowed to judge, why can I not judge you), to wish ill upon you?  And I wishing ill upon you, is that not reason for me not to be judge then and now evil must fall upon me. Where does it end this cycle of negative, hateful energy. 

Then do you complain that the world is getting more ugly, more evil, mean, hateful, etc?  What about the endless cycle of judgment, evil Karma slinging that you and I and whoever first offended you just started?  Why can’t we interject love, calmness or peace when someone unjustly offends, harms, or wrongs us?  Do we turn the cheek and turn hate to love???? Or should we add to the cycle of hate and violence????

To love means loving the unlovable.
To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable.
Faith means believing the unbelievable.
Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless
Gilbert Chesterton 

Okay, you say what about good Karma? What do you have against good Karma?

I have two issues.  One is if you tout your good deed.  Good deeds should be done with privacy.  If you help your brother up from a fall, you should not tell everyone how your brother has fallen and you lent a hand.  Your brother deserve privacy in his time of need.  The good deed will be more appreciated if it is done in confidence.

good karma helping someone

Okay, what if I do my act of good Karma in privacy.  What is your beef then?

Just think of how peaceful, serene and nice the world would be if doing good acts, nice things, random acts of kindness was something automatically done. Not something done on occasion for a reward, but something that is ingrained.  In my opinion, it should not be taught early on: do a good deed and get your reward.  How about: good deeds, it’s just like breathing.  You do it and you don’t even think about it. It’s just apart of life.

acts of kindness quote

I like the commercial that tells us if we use one less trash bag a month, then together we take enough plastic out of the landfills that it would have covered a mountain.  Just think if we took 1% of our daily time to be nice when we wanted to be angry or hurtful to others.  Then together we could make our world exponentially nicer!

Let's go out there and make some ripples!
-Poems & Quotes Finder

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sausage Gravy Corn Chowder Broccoli Soup Recipe

So How Did Sausage Gravy Corn Chowder Broccoli Soup Come About???

--The Back Story

I was recently apart of a small pot-luck which was centered around soup.  One of the older ladies made corn chowder.  It was amazingly delicious!  I was sure it was a traditional, been in the family for generations, secret recipe.  It was that good!  I being a generally uncouth person, went ahead and boldly asked for her traditional, family-oriented, secret recipe.  She pulls out of her bag a copied recipe from Facebook!

Original ingredients:  Milk, Can of cream corn, Can of mushroom soup, Frozen corn, Shredded hash browns, Ham, Onion, Parsley flakes, Butter, Salt and Pepper.  

After a week of gathering ingredients I was ready to make the soup.  However, I did have exchanges from the original recipe:  No salt (I only use salt on watermelon and the front step in winter). Instead of ham, I used half a roll of sausage.   Also, put in broccoli instead of parsley flakes (same color???).  Oh and no crock pot.  Mine quit working about three years ago.  Why, no ham? Why no parsley? Why no crock pot?

First batch:  Good, but not as good as the nice lady’s at the pot luck.  My soup was a little thinner and that extra boost of yum factor was not there.  I figured she gave me the exact copy of the recipe; however, she probably made changes too.  She most likely used whole milk instead of my 2%, and what lady over the age of 60 does not use more butter than the recipe calls for?

Second batch:  Didn't talk myself into the whole milk purchase or adding more butter (dieting).  I did lose the frozen corn, and added extra frozen broccoli (love broccoli; corn id okay)  Much yummier. Not quite as good as the one had at the pot-luck, though, and it was still too runny.  The milk and sausage together reminded me of sausage gravy.  LIGHT BULB.

Motivational Soup Quote! 

Third batch:  Gravy up the milk! (well kinda).  And  SGCCBS was born! 

Ingredients to Sausage Gravy Corn Chowder Broccoli Soup 
2 & ½ cups of milk
1 can of cream  corn
1 can of condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 & ½ cups of chopped broccoli (small pieces)
1 cup of shredded hash browns 
½ of roll of sausage -mild 
½ small union chopped
2 tablespoons of butter (almost)
2 tablespoon of flour
Pepper uncooked, sprinkled lightly over bowl of soup

In skillet, fry up sausage adding in this order as you get them ready: hash browns, onion, and broccoli.  
Cook until sausage is just done.  
Transfer over to soup pot.

In skillet you just fried the sausage in, add enough butter to have around 2 table spoons of grease in pan.  Add two tablespoons of flour and cook for just about a minute. Will look a light tan. Then add 2 of the 2 ½ cups of milk.  You are only going to cook for a minute or two until flour is dissolved well in milk.  Not making it into a gravy.  

Then add mixture into your soup pan along with cream corn, mushroom soup, and the other ½ cup of milk. Stir well.  
Cook on low heat (do not want to scorch milk) with lid off (to thicken soup), stirring occasionally.  Cook for about 45 minutes until the soup is nice and thick and corn is done.  Add a dusting of pepper to top of bowl when serving.

Song Parody Facts Of Life TV Theme Song

SGCCBS=Sausage Gravy Corn Chowder Broccoli Soup

You buy the sausage, you skip the ham
You use what you can, and there you have

There's a time corn gots to go and no 
Parsley Flakes to worry about

When the soup never seems
To be thickenin’ up to your dreams
And suddenly you’re figuring out
The gravy is what is about, rue, rue!

It takes a lot to make soup right 
When you're making The SGCCBS (making The SGCCBS) 
Making The SGCCBS (making The SGCCBS) 
Making The SGCCBS 

Admission: I guess if you had one of those crock pots, it would be great to take to a pot-luck for storage and heat.  

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Famous motivational quotes. The best and most inspiring quotes.

This is my first recipe blog!!!!  I hope you enjoyed!!!
Update: My 1st recipe blog was featured as most clicked on post at:

Thank you all!
-Poems & Quotes Finder

#sausagegravy #broccolisoup #parody #recipe  #gravy #soup

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Romance and Brain Power

--Let’s Get It On

Why not turn on the mind and romance at the same time!

Brain Power Information From Our Webpage: 

If you want to build your brain power, you must challenge yourself to create new brain cells, circuits, and activity.

By now most people know that puzzles and games are good for boosting your brain power. There is a word jumble puzzle and several free jigsaw puzzles on our website.  Here is a link to our daily word jumble.

Puzzles and games are a great way to help keep your brain healthy, but be advised that the games are not too easy. You've got to work to keep those neurons making new connections!

Romantic Quote:

Fitzgerald Love Poem Romance Brain Power

Romance - Brain Power Tip #1

Do the crossword puzzle in bed with your mate.  No suggestions on what to use for a table as using your imagination will only stimulate the brain more.  Research shows that it does not matter how well you do when solving a puzzle.  Whether you get all the answers or a few of the answers, your brain gets the same benefits.  Therefore, you will have to determine another way while you are in bed, who the winner is.

Romance - Brain Power Tip #2

Send scrambled (or word jumble) quotes or small love letters to each other daily.  

Here’s a famous love quote in word jumble format as a sample:

Tub ot ese erh saw ot vole reh, ovle tub rhe dan ovel revofer. -borret snurb 


But to see her was to love her, love but her, and love forever.  -Robert Burns


A reddnuh thears dowul eb oto wef ot racry lal ym evol orf ouy. -Unknown

Vole em dan het drowl si emin. -David Reed

Oyu plomtece em. -reryj graimue

For more love quotes to unscramble and share with your everything:
famous love quotes

Answers at bottom of page.

Romance - Brain Power Tip #3

Make your own puzzle drawing love note:

Answer at end of blog
Hint: Song Lyrics

Romance - Brain Power Tip #4

Make your own word search romantic puzzle.  You can get as steamy as you wish. Either make your own homemade one using notebook paper or there are websites that will generate a puzzle on the clues you give them.   

Since we are a family friendly blog that specialize in quotes, we did a word search based on a famous love quote.  All the bold, larger words may be found in the puzzle.   To do in bed with your honey.  See rules of crossword puzzle. 

How do I love thee?   -Let me count the ways.  I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach,
when feeling out of sight for the ends of  being and ideal grace.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning  

U E G U M L T L O V E P S F G 
Y K K W E T C P E W E I E Q N 
F R A C E T R P B B S I N X I 
B E A R U E H U M O V G P E L 
V R R S A A D E U S U X L L E 
G A O C T D A L E N Z I Q A E 
B H H B K E K M L Q Z U K E F 
S E T O H P X I C A G X M D K 
C T J D D T T Z B K H N U I P 
W O M K A H H E I G H T I R Q 
A T U V V E T Z J X Z U F E Z 
Y K R N K H R G N I N W O R B 
S G H J T S G B K S U B F S P 
T H G I S L Z Z K L E I U A G 
S A I P I P R R A B F O W B S 


Here’s a great love quote to sweep your sweetie off his or her feet:

You make my heart melt, and my stomach fill with butterflies. You leave me speechless and yet full of laughter. You are such an incredible person.

How will you use it to heat up the brain too? In scrambles, a puzzle drawing, word search, or another creation???

Make love and brain connections!
-Poems & Quotes Finder

Unscrambles Answers:
A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you. -Unknown
Love me and the world is mine.-David Reed
You complete me. -Jerry Maguire

Puzzle drawing quote answer:
I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.  -Song Lyrics

#brainpower #romance #brain #puzzles #wordsearch

For more tips and information about increasing brain power <--from our website.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Poetry Quotes In Posters

Our first Poetry Quotes In Posters was such a success, why not have two!!!

The first poster makes a good challenge:
Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. -G.K. Chesterton

Use the comment section below to start a new poetry trend!

Caution: Do not get too cheesy in your poem! 

poetry quote poster

Haiku Poetry Quote In Poster #2

poems in pictures

I want to create a seventeen syllable word that encompasses the human condition, and then use that word to from the world's most perfect haiku.

poetry quotes in pictures

Poetry Quote In Poster #3

If you cannot be a poet
be the poem
-David Carradine

poetry picture

Poetry Quote In Poster #4

To elevate the soul
Poetry is necessary

-Edgar Allen Poe

Poetry Quote In Poster #5

poems in pictures

A poem leaves sparkles of thought as it is passing by like a Meteor

Poetry Quote in Poster #6

poetry quotes in poster

Poetry is truth
dwelling in beauty

Poetry in Poster #7

picture poems

There lies beauty in pain.
It's called poetry

Hope you enjoyed the second installment of Poetry Quotes in posters!

Visit our website for some great poems in pictures by Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and more!

Be the Poem
-Poems & Quotes Finder

Monday, June 9, 2014

Psychology Inkblot Game Debut 

Home Game For Fun Inkblot Psychology 

I’m Okay. You may be a little Cra-Cra Game! 

Made up and played this game with my family. A total of five people played which is about the optimal amount.  

You will need:
-A private room for painting
-2 Sheets of white computer paper for each guest
-½ sheet of paper for their notes 
-Quick drying black paint
-Various sizes cheap paint brushes
-Card table or old table to paint on-maybe covered with cheap plastic tablecloth
-Another plastic tablecloth
-Cardboard to put paper on to be painted.  
-Cardboard (I use the approx 3” cardboard lid that they put canned vegetables or soup on at Wal-Mart)  for lid to cover inkblot so no one can see
-Samples of Inkblots
-Prizes!!! (I made my own trophies with shiny gold curtain rings I found at garage sale)

My Inkblots

How To Play:
For the purpose of this explanation we will assume there are five players including yourself who will also be the host of game.

1. Have each player pick out a number from out of a cup and keep that secret Numbers will range from 1-5.
2. Show your guests what the standard inkblots look like. Though inkblots are asymmetrical, it is not necessary to paint their inkblots this way. They will paint two inkblots in secret.  They will put their number on back of their inkblot drawing.

**They are to draw an inkblot that represents themselves.  As if they were wanting to express themselves through the inkblot in hopes that their true nature will be interpreted by a psychologist (you and the other players).

**Stress that the drawing needs to be abstract. Do not purposely paint a smiley face, a house or whatever.  If after they try to paint their psyche and if it looks like something in particular, that is fine - as long as that was not there intention.

  3. One by one, they will go in another room and paint two inkblots.  They will have two white pieces of paper that they will put on a cardboard to paint.  Each guest will put their secret number on back of their drawings. When finished, they will place their paintings on the cardboard for extra security and put them on the floor which is covered by a plastic table cloth or tarp. When dry enough they will cover their paintings with a bigger cardboard lid so the next person will not see their inkblots.   Have each guest randomly put their covered inkblots on the table cloth willy-nilly so blots are not in the order they went to draw.

4. After all the inkblots are painted (you painted yours last) randomly select one set of inkblots to be put on the wall to be analyzed by everyone.  Tell everyone the number of the inkblots being shown. Please let guests know that they are not to let on if this is their inkblot that is being shown. They are to evaluate the inkblot as if it were not theirs. They can give a truthful analysis or an untruthful or a little of both.

5.  Give the guest a minute or two to look at the current set of inkblots being displayed.  The first person who has an analysis ready will start the ball rolling.  Then just go clockwise to the next person for evaluation until all have gave their opinions.

6. Then on a ½ sheet of paper you previously given them.  Paper should already be number as such:




___________________________  (etc.)

Remind them of what number inkblot they just analyzed. On that line have them put whose inkblot they think it is and a score of 1-10 (one being completely sane and 10 being most screws loose) where this person falls.  These are for notes only and can be changed at any time.

7.  Keep getting randomly a set of inkblots until all inkblots have been examined.  If you can, display the inkblots on a long table afterward in a 1 - 5 order so they can be looked at again by guest if they need help in their voting. 

8.  Have each player consult their notes and vote by number.  No one can vote for themselves.   First vote for: The sanest person.  2nd: The most screws loose.  Keep these two votes separate.  Then who they think gave (by name) the best analysis=(#1 psychiatrist).  

9. Next have them list on a piece of paper who they think each set of inkblots belongs to.  So I think #1 belongs to such person and #2 to …. Etc.

10.  If there is a tie.  We had a tie for sanest person.  Have a sane-off. Where for example #3 and #5 had the same amount of votes. Then take a revote where you can only vote for number #3 or #5.  

11.  So before you know who is who, you will know (for example) that #3 won the sanest person and #5 won the most screws loose.  Also that Joe won for best analysis.

12.  Now you are going to reveal whose inkblot belong to who.  Pick up the set of inkblots that is number 1.  Go around the room and ask each person who they thought it belong to. It will be revealed along the way when I say #1 was mine.  Have each player who guessed #1 belonged to me score a check mark on their paper. Then go on to #2 until all have been revealed.

**The person who matches the most inkblots to their owners wins the “I see Froot Loops award”.

**Now that you know whose inkblot belongs to who, give out the awards.

Disclosure: I won the Most Screws Loose trophy!  

Benefit:  This game was beneficial as it made each of us more aware that we don’t think of our mental psyche.  

I was trying to abstractly  paint my emotions and not only did it come out to in some degree, but also much more about myself that I found to be true, yet I was not really aware of.  It was eye opening.  I got very informative feedback.  Even though I was voted most screws loose, I got lots of positive feedback as well.  I even changed my feedback of my drawings as I could see new things that the other’s were seeing in the inkblot. 

We all need to be aware of our mental health.  This game was a great start!

Recommended Reading:  Our webpage-> Motivational Poems.  Your visit is appreciated!

Be Happy! Be Healthy!
-Poems & Quotes Finder

#inkblot #psychology #game #mentalheath

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Inspirational Quotes, Affirmations, Motivational Sayings 

Inspirational quotes can lift you up!

Affirmations can get you started.


Motivational sayings can keep you on your path...

I surround myself with inspirational quotations.  This easy-to-follow piece of advice has played a huge role in my being able to get past my own fears and insecurities throughout my entrepreneurial career. -Blake Mycoskie

Ways to keep your Inspirational Quotes, Affirmations and Motivational Sayings handy!

#1.  Tape your favorite quotes to the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, the bulletin board, on the car dashboard, everywhere!

#2.  Incorporate the quotes in everyday objects! Yes, that's right: easy-peasy crafts.  Repeat after me:  I can create.  I can create.  I can create!

Quafts--Quotable Crafts

Frame Your Mindset:  Frame your Inspirational Quote:

inspirational quotes

Drink In Your Motivation:

Add your own artwork coffee cups or mugs. These cups can be found at most hobby stores for only a couple of bucks.  I use mine as a pen holder on my desk.

Inspirational Quote:
Just can't live that negative way.
Make way for the positive day!
-Bob Marley

Knick-Knack away your panic attack:
Surround yourself with motivational quotes with snow globes, calendars, magnets and more! See projects on our craft page: Fun Easy Crafts

Great Quotes To Get You Started!

Inspirational Quotes:

*Don't count the days, make the days count. -Muhammad Ali

*In a gentle way, you can shake the world. -Gandhi 

*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt


I am getting stronger with each day.

If it is to be, it is up to me.

I am focused on today!

Motivational Sayings:

*A year from now you may wish you had started today -Karen Lamb

*Follow your passion and success will follow you. -Arthur Buddhold

*Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. -John D. Rockefeller 

positive affirmations

How our website can help you out:

*For more Inspirational Quotes click on this link--> Inspirational Quotes

*We have four Affirmation pages! Here's one of our favorites: Success Affirmations

*Need Motivational Sayings, follow this link to our webpage --> Famous Motivational Quotes

Your visit is always appreciated!

Keep your collection of favorite quotes close.
They will give your spirit a positive boost whenever you need it.

Stay positive,
-Poems & Quotes Finder

#Crafts #InspirationalQuotes #MotivationalQuotes #Affirmations